Customer case

Report template in Word

Report template in Word for Swedbank

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Report template in Word according to the bank's graphic profile.

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Swedbank needed a report template in Word to make it easy for the writers to do all the text processing themselves.


Rehngruppen has, in close cooperation with Swedbank, developed a Word template that meets this need while ensuring that Swedbank's graphic profile is followed. Images and figures in the report have been provided by Swedbank, but Rehngruppen has image-processed these to prevent the report from being too heavy to be emailed, for example. Rehngruppen has also produced an Excel file that made it easy for Swedbank to create diagrams with the right shape.


The result was that Swedbank was able to work on the content of the report on its own and that Rehngruppen was able to make the desired fine adjustments to the format on a couple of occasions.

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