Customer case

User-friendly templates in PowerPoint and Word

User-friendly templates in PowerPoint and Word for Intrum

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The branding agency Kurppa Hosk created attractive sketches in InDesign for Intrum's new quotation templates. Rehngruppen's assignment was to create templates in PowerPoint and Word based on the sketches. Since the sketches were complex, it was a fun challenge to create user-friendly templates from them. The result? Clever functionality, uniformity, and of course: Really nice templates!

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From neat sketches to templates

The Kurppa Hosk branding agency created attractive sketches in InDesign for Intrum's quotation templates. Rehngruppen's assignment was to make these sketches in the programs that Intrum uses. In this case, it was PowerPoint and Word that suited the customer best. Based on the sketches, we created a PowerPoint template and two Word templates in different formats. The reason we created the templates in both PowerPoint and Word is that each user should have the opportunity to work in the program they prefer.

Complex templates that are still easy to use

As Intrum's quotes are used as a form of marketing, it was important to keep them looking good. This made producing them in Word and PowerPoint a real pain. As it was important that the result looked professional, there was a risk that the templates would become complex. At the same time, Rehngruppen knows that the basis of a good-looking result is easy-to-use templates, which the user actually understands how to use.

Helpful features in Word and PowerPoint

In order for the templates to keep their professional look, but still be easy to use, we used many tricks and features of Office. The templates contain many content controls, placeholders and templated layout pages. Always with the idea of recognition, continuity and ease of use in mind. Since the functions are used uniformly in all templates, the user can easily learn their structure.

The templates' content controls (placeholders for text) ensure that all text is automatically sized and fonted correctly. In addition, we created sample pages that allow users to get inspiration to create content themselves. In PowerPoint, we linked the template's image placeholder to Intrum's image tool. This ensures that the images always have Intrum's style and that they have good resolution.

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