Customer case

Company presentation and graphic profile

Company presentation and graphic profile for Next Period

Presentation design

Branding work where complete graphic profile, graphic design, printed matter, film, template and presentations were included in the scope. Next Period's need for functional and flexible visual identity set the framework for the project, which also became the basis for websites and brands within the business.

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Next Period works with gender equality issues with menstruation as a starting point. Their business has different focus areas and needed a logo and a graphic profile that could be applied in different contexts without losing strength in the brand. They also needed templates, films and ready-made presentations, so that they could then work with the material that was produced.

A flexible fire

We developed a visual identity that matched the company's vision of standing out, having a sense of urgency in its design language, but at the same time feeling inclusive and hopeful. We also produced film material to use at events, as explainers and in various collaborations with other actors. the work also included developing visual material for an app, seal and printed material such as posters.

Company presentation

The corporate presentation that was developed became a product that can work as a stand-alone and as a good visual complement to talks and draws. By using graphic elements in the profile as practical message enhancers, the presentation was also clearly linked to the brand. The presentation includes animations as well as a movie.

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